This article makes me sick. While I'm not thrilled about the idea of Kimbo being the headliner for the first MMA on network TV, thats no reason to go on and bash the entire sport. Here's an excerpt from Miamiherald.com writer Greg Cote.
CBS-TV lends the fraud-sport grandly calling itself Mixed Martial Arts the false imprimatur of legitimacy by this week inaugurating a new prime-time series, EliteXC Saturday Night Fights -- with Miami's own inexplicably popular Kimbo Slice the first headlining act.
Pardon my not swelling with civic pride over one of our own hitting the big-time at last for what amounts to legalized criminality, a plain barbarism that would tend to discourage a pedestal for this man.
Would-be hero Kevin Ferguson (Kimbo's real name) says he dreams of tearing off a man's arm and beating him with it.
Taking liberties, I'll guess that when real hero Martin Luther King said, ''I have a dream,'' he had somewhat nobler pursuits in mind.
Surely the ghost of Edward R. Murrow is weeping over his network's self-debasement by association, though not for the first time.
CBS-TV lends the fraud-sport grandly calling itself Mixed Martial Arts the false imprimatur of legitimacy by this week inaugurating a new prime-time series, EliteXC Saturday Night Fights -- with Miami's own inexplicably popular Kimbo Slice the first headlining act.
Pardon my not swelling with civic pride over one of our own hitting the big-time at last for what amounts to legalized criminality, a plain barbarism that would tend to discourage a pedestal for this man.
Would-be hero Kevin Ferguson (Kimbo's real name) says he dreams of tearing off a man's arm and beating him with it.
Taking liberties, I'll guess that when real hero Martin Luther King said, ''I have a dream,'' he had somewhat nobler pursuits in mind.
Surely the ghost of Edward R. Murrow is weeping over his network's self-debasement by association, though not for the first time.