Mesquite, Nevada - Every day, United States military personnel face a new battle as they return home from combat zones.
Addressing the desperate need to relieve the financial and emotional burdens caused by the physical and mental scars of war, Mixed Martial Arts legend
Randy "The Natural" Couture created the Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation. With a mission focused on raising money and awareness, the foundation's goal is to help these brave men and women fulfill any of their unmet needs as they return back to civilian life.
"Having spent time in a uniform, it became a personal goal of mine to find a way to give back to the brave men and women of our Armed Forces for the sacrifices they make defending our freedoms. The Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation was born out of that desire." Couture explained.
Tapping into his network of current and former MMA fighters, Couture is hosting a weekend fundraiser
October 16-18 in Mesquite, Nevada. Xtreme Combat Weekend will include three days of scenario paintball, amateur MMA fights and "Xtreme" parties.
Participants & donors have the opportunity to play paintball against and alongside nationally recognized fighters including Randy Couture, Ryan Couture, Gray Maynard, Jay Hieron, and John Alessio.
The paintball games will be played exclusively at A Pirates Paradise's new field located 5 miles northeast of Mesquite. Owner Tim Andrus has spent the last two months preparing the 40-acre site for this event.
"The property borders and actually extends over the Virgin River. The thick scrub provides so much cover, we've had to plow roads and paths through the field, " Andrus said. "We're really excited to be the host site for Xtreme Combat Weekend. It's a great cause; Randy is an awesome guy, and we're doing something to help the troops."
A highlight of the weekend will come Saturday evening when up-and-coming fighters take center stage at the CasaBlanca Events center for amatuer MMA fights presented by Tuff-N-Uff. A separate ticketed event; seats will range from $20 for general admission to only $50 for ringside. Like all the weekend's events, proceeds support the Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation.
Post fight, the public can meet up-and-coming fighters and some of their favorite MMA stars at an after fight night club in the CasaBlanca Hotel. A $15 cover charge applies, and this party is limited to persons age 21 and over.
"This weekend really wouldn't be possible without our sponsors," Andrus added. "Special Ops Paintball, Spyder Paintball, Kee Action Sports, Planet Eclipse and Blackjack Paintball have all thrown their support behind us on this event."
Registration and event schedules are available online at the event's website, XtremeCombatWeekend.com.
"We hope everyone will come join us for a great weekend including paintball and amateur fights all in the name of our troops," Couture said.
For more information on the Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation please contact:
Valerie Haney
Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation
4055 West Sunset
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 616-1022