Wow this has just made my night, hopefully Dana White and Fedor's management can set aside their differences and get a deal done for him to fight in the UFC here's the story from ESPN.com
Don't consider a UFC fight between Fedor Emelianenko and Randy Couture dead just yet. With Couture embroiled in a nasty legal dispute with the UFC and Emelianenko tied to M-1 Global's MMA franchise, the heavyweight dream matchup has long seemed to be the world's best bout that would never happen.
Don't consider a UFC fight between Fedor Emelianenko and Randy Couture dead just yet. With Couture embroiled in a nasty legal dispute with the UFC and Emelianenko tied to M-1 Global's MMA franchise, the heavyweight dream matchup has long seemed to be the world's best bout that would never happen.
Now it could. Apy Echteld, one of Emelianenko's agents, confirmed what a source close to the situation previously told The Magazine: M-1 Global and Emelianenko will part ways some time in the next week, making the Russian a free agent. Divorce negotiations are ongoing right now, with a formal announcement likely for in the next few days. "Officially, yes, Fedor will be a free agent," Echteld says.
Of course, the UFC would have to be willing to re-open negotiations with Emelianenko's management. Previous talks dragged on for almost a year before falling apart amid plenty of name-calling and finger-pointing from both sides. UFC president Dana White was vocal in pinning the blame on Emelianenko's team, saying he never once spoke or met with the fighter. Would the head of the UFC be willing to enter the Fedor fray again? "Absolutely, 100 percent, in a heartbeat," says White. "People think he's the best—I don't, not even close. But if it's somehow possible, I would make it happen."
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Wow exciting times. Would love him to come to ufc, and finish boring boring randy for good.
who does dana white think is the best? chuck liddell maybe??? fedor would destroy chuck's one dimensional game, dana. anyhow, who cares if the ufc can sign him. the fight everyone wants to see is fedor/randy. now that randy and the ufc are worlds apart, sigh...will this ever really happen?
nothing is official yet....
nothing is official NOT yet
nothing is official NOT yet
I think Fedor should sign a fight contract for just enough fights to wipe out any contenders in the ufc... he'll beat Big Nog... again... he'll beat... better yet just look at this list http://www.ufc.com/index.cfm?fa=fighter.AllFighters&did=1&LName= and please tell me if their is anyone on it who stands a chance against Fedor, and why. Randy is as close as it gets. So how is Fedor not #1???
I think he should end up in World Victory Road to take on Barnett. I mean, wouldn't he have to beat Nogueira again to fight with Couture in the UFC? He already beat him twice. Handy should fight Nogueira to clear this title situation up, and if he wins he fights Fedor. If not, we know definitively that Fedor is the best and all the fair weather fans will find a new herd to follow and stop with the "LOL FEDOR NOT FIGHT NE 1 GOOD" garbage.
I think he should end up in World Victory Road to take on Barnett. I mean, wouldn't he have to beat Nogueira again to fight with Couture in the UFC? He already beat him twice. Handy should fight Nogueira to clear this title situation up, and if he wins he fights Fedor. If not, we know definitively that Fedor is the best and all the fair weather fans will find a new herd to follow and stop with the "LOL FEDOR NOT FIGHT NE 1 GOOD" garbage.
if fedor joines the ufc, randy would have to sign back in to fight him there.. so yes first he would need to regain his heavyweight title by defeating nogueria, because the number 1 heavywaight deserves a titel shot right away. the thing is randy hass no chance against nogueria.and fedor hass allready beaten nogueria twice... so fedor should rather join a ring organization, beat barnett(eyes closed) then have randy chalenge him, and since randy hass no chance against him in the ring, fedor will remain undefeated...until the end of time
Although Dana White is a genious when it comes to promoting UFC. He's a selfish bastard, who only thinks of his pride. He needs to stop trying to rip off fighters and sign Emelienko to the contract he wants and Couture. If he lets both of the slip away, I dare say, UFC might be making the stupidest Sport's decision in history
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