On the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show Randy Couture stated that he would be willing to go back to the UFC if they sign, now free agent Fedor Emelianenko. Couture also stated that if he did go back to the UFC that it wouldn't be under his current contract. He said a new contract would have to be worked out. Couture has stated many times that Fedor is the only fight he wants. The current interim heavyweight champion is Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Dana White has offered that fight to Couture on more than one occasion, but its not likely that Couture would take that fight considering his statements about only wanting to fight Fedor in the past.
Randy will crush that poser Fedor. #1 heavyweight in the world my a$$.
I think it's time for Mr. White to put on his ass kissin' lips. Trying to vocally ruin the credibility of the top two heavyweights in the world, instead of signing them and paying out the wazoo for it, would be a huge business mistake. Maybe Dana was just waiting for all of this to become a side show of huge proportions, before giving the fighters what they want. Fattening the cow before the slaughter if you will. If that's the case, and it works, then Dana will have pulled off the best heist in MMA history. Next to the original purchase of the UFC that is.
Man Randy should fight Nog... that would be ace. then winner gets fedor.
Afraid of Minotauro and wants fight with Fedor? What smart guy...
What an interesting predicament.
My guess is if Fedor signs with a different organization other than the UFC, Randy will sign with them and fight Fedor. Pretty much a given.
If Fedor joins the UFC then things get interesting. Randy we'll have to fight Nogueira, beat him, then wait to see what the UFC does with Fedor. I doubt Fedor will fight Randy right away, but instead the UFC will give him a match that he'll probably win without much effort.
I hope to GOD that Fedor doesn't sign with the UFC. It's not that I hate the UFC, its just that I know Randy would be given a hard time through this process. I personally think the UFC is doing a lot more harm than it is helping the MMA world. The UFC is one of the founding fathers of this great sport, but trying to be the only name out there isn't going to help MMA as a whole at all. They need to realize this and help or at least have some sort of a deal with other organizations in order to give the fans what they want.
Well thats enough rambling for now.
randy can suck my dick!!!!!
Fedor rules everyone in the world that is why he is #1. People who don't think he's the best don't know anything about MMA, so you should just be quiet and stop listening to the lies.
Ghrean I agree with you completely.
The thing is that now if the UFC doesn't finally pay top dollar for Fedor and Randy, someone else will pick them both up and put on the fight.
randy is one of the most overrated fights in mma history. please tell me how the hell he can get a title shot his first match back out of retirement. and lest we not forget about the title shot he got at lw to. bottom line randy cant hole fedor's jock let alone beat him.
randy over rated??? don't make me laugh.
the guy has overcome the odds time and again to beat bigger and stronger guys. he's tried to get fedor to come to ufc for a fight but fedor says no. randy couldn't fight in another organisation because of contract.
if fedor is so good then why won't he fight in the biggest organisation where the toighest fights will be?????????
Are most of you retarded. Fedor is the best heavyweight in the world. Poser? Have you ever seen him in action. Have you ever watched his time with Rings and Pride? Have you ever noticed why he's gone undefeated? Couture is good...but he's lost. Not only has he lost, but he's lost consistently. He's been schooled by Chuck Liddell, who a lot of people are turning their backs on by saying he's one sided. And after these losses and retirement he got a title shot against a mediocre heavyweight champion, then defended against one who is skilled, powerful, but gassy. Everyone now thinks he's the best? Are you that susceptible to marketing? Fedor has beaten everyone. I can't believe how many people are retarded. The results are in the numbers, and in watching the fights. Couture has never made me go "WoW', but Fedor has, on many occasions. I wish intelligent people liked violence.
Because he doesn't want to be UFCs bitch. And what would be the point except to beat Arlovski and Werdum? He has already dominated the current UFC champion a couple of times. Also UFC don't let him do sambo, which is the sport he's in.
About Couture, he might have beaten some good figters in the history but has anyone noticed that he has lost every third of his fights?
hahah randy is afraid for big nog cause he knows he will be submitted... So Fedor will kill him!!! Why would Fedor be in the UFC when that dana bitch keeps name calling like a child and you americans are shitty. I would fight somewhere else also, ufc the best??/ whahaha dont make me laugh
you are wrong. your comments are not valid.
Randy's record isnt that great 16-8, he didnt fought in the biggest org. back when pride was alive and the UFC HW division was crap until recently and then he left right away.
Also, get your facts right. Randy COULD fight Fedor before he fought Tim, he just didn't want to. He dogded hem just as he dodging Nog right now.
Okey, I'll give him props for winning as an underdog time and time again, rising from back to back KO-losses and beating two injured opponents..
But, come on.. I like Randy for what he's accomplished but I'm very reluctant to call him one of the best HW's... (he would loose to a healthy sylvia..) Josh Barnett would crush him just as he did last time... nog, fedor, (a refocused-)crocop and many other top HW's...
cos fedor wants moar $$$ than cheapass dana is willing to pay to top fighers in the ufc...
ol' captain america is always good for a pleasant surprise, but fedor is just to much of a badass. i don't think randy can compete on his level anymore.
Most of the time it has less to do with pride/glory, but more with money. This is probably why Fedor and Dana couldn't come to an agreement.
Regardless I respect Randy for his skills and achievements, but I do not respect him for whining like a little b*tch about getting Fedor.
I am impressed that when you leave it up to the people, the truth usually rises to the top. All of these commentators know the numbers and know what a sound fighter and opponent look like. The only time you get an opposing view is when some one has bought into the media hype (White's BS). Those are the guys that are at the matches with a beer in each hand screaming "U.S.A.!!!" and they haven't trained a day in their life. I am glad to see that there are more intelligent athletes out there than drunk WWE fans. It gives me hope that White and Co. won't be able to keep a lock down on a sport that is ours... not theirs.
Randy is a better version of Fedor. Despite age, anything Fedor can do, Randy can do just a little bit better, except of course submissions. People are fearful of Fedor's stand up, and thus are afraid to be aggressive. Randy won't have that problem. He will come at him with no fear, stay on him like a cheap suit, wear him out, grind out a decision, or cut him to get a T.K.O. However, I'm going to be the first to say it, Couture knocks Fedor out. If he hits him with a punch similar to the one that dropped Sylvia, or rocked Gonzage, Fedor is going to sleep.
why waste time fighting a guy like NOG who isnt #1??? Randy wants to beat Fedor before age finally catches up to him.
Randy knows he doesent have years of fight left in him and he wants to go out on top. I dont blame him for being a real man and wanting to beat the rest so that he may hang up his gloves and say that he beat the best to be the best, unlike fedor who to me is a fat snake with mice being handed to him and some dumb crowd expecting a fight of the century. Randy will own Fedor.
God... this fight needs to hurry up and happen so that everyone can finally shut the f#%k up about it. But then I'm sure there will be something else to argue over once this is over.
Blah blah blah. Randy was Captain America UNTIL he continuously bitched about the situation and held out and got 1/2 of you idiots on his side after HE SIGNED HIS CONTRACT. All he had to do is defend his title a couple of times and then he could be free to do whatever he wanted. Fedor should have signed with the UFC since they bought Pride. His terms were the difficult ones to meet. Not UFCs terms for Fedor to meet. UFC is a business. PERIOD ! The employee doesn't tell his boss how its going to be. And the boss of a billion dollar organization doesn't just release someone under a multi-million dollar contract to go make some competitor organization $10+ million in PPV sells.
But, I'm not defending UFC. Dana is stupid and thinks he's God, and if his pride was 1/10 of what it is then he would have made an exception to his rules just once to make a highly anticipated match up between AT THE TIME #1 and #2 happened already. It's been so long in anticipation now that I don't even care if it happens.
IF it does happen, Fedor by armbar in round 2. Fedor will run through him without any trouble. Fedor fights cakes because that is what is available to him outside of the UFC a la Kimbo Slice vs TANK FREAKIN ABBOTT !
Who cares about Couture. I just want Fedor in the UFC as he is one of my favorite fighters still.
Fedor is #2 pound for pound.
Anderson Silva #1 ... undisputed ! ! !
I believe Randy would definitely fight Fedor right away if the two would join the UFC because randy is not interested on the title ,because if he do, he would have remained in the UFC before..so i believe most likely if Fedor would stay in the UFC for a long time,we can see randy in the Octagon for good until he retire again
I think that both Fedor and Randy are underated. The thing is Randy has a great ability to spot his opponents weakness. I think we are seeing the best Couture yet right now. I also think Fedor has been underated too. You don't go to his record being a fake. you cant discredit some of his opponets or the fashion in which he beat them. He has had some tough guys and there is always the wild punch that could have happened by now. He really is that good if you watch the fights ( even the Sambo fights tell that story. I think I would not be the one to put money on this fight and I think the clear sweep that some are thinking would happen bt either opponent is not likley to happen. This one may go the distance and with one edgeing out the win. They are both really great at what they do. I may come down to who can impose their strategy better. Fedor has shown stamina weakness and has been neutralized by 1 or 2 guys but was able to get the win. Randy has been taken out of his game and got caught and taken out of his plan before. The edge by the numbers would have to go to Fedor but if anyone could figure out how to beat Fedor it would be Randy Couture. Part of the reason I think he wants to fight him so bad is he has had a plan on how to beat him and has had for some time now. Whether he can do it is the question but I think he has a very specific plan.
I can't believe Fedor's skills are at question.Your talking about the best well rounded fighter in the world. For the guy who claims randy will wear fedor down are you serious? Any one that has seen Fedor fight knows his strength is in his ground game. Fedor will GNP Randy into retiriment and if not his world class sambo will do the job. God I hope this fight happens already so all the ufc fanboys can finally see pass dana's bs.
Love the Pride fan mentality. Funny how the only fighter to do anything that came out of pride was Rampage all the others went down by the more formitable UFC fighters.
Most of you guys are blind! Dont you see its all a setup. Its all about hyping up the fight between the two fighters. Do lots of reading and you'll see its all orchestrated and hyped up! These guys have known this whole drama all along and the UFC is only taking pages from the likes of Vince Mcmahon at the WWE. Over all it will be a great fight to watch.
I love the UFC fan mentality. Funny how Herring and Werdum just whooped Kongo and Gonzaga respectively, two guys that were held as "top dogs" by nuthuggers. Funny how Minotauro has the Heavy Weight belt now and Randy doesn't want to risk fighting him because his high paying Fedor fight might fall through if he loses.
Wow, great discussion going on, I just had like 3 cents to throw down on the debate.
There is no way the original contract negotiations fell through between the UFC and Fedor because of money, Fedor has said himself it had mostly to do with the exclusivity and Fedor having to sign away his likeness to the UFC so they could use him freely in video games and whatever else they wanted to, also Fedor was extremely upset cause of Dana White calling his agents "crazy Russians".
I have been extremely disappointed with the performance of some of the Pride guys coming over to the UFC, Shogun, Crocop, Henderson, and ECT. However three Pride guys are currently holding titles in the UFC, Rampage, Minatouro, and Silva (yes I count Silva, that is where I first saw him).
When I saw Coulture fight Tim Silvia I literally did say "wow". I think it is true that Coulture gameplans for fights better than possibly anybody in the sport. Coulture straight stood with Tim Silvia and got the better of it (not that silvia is the greatest striker ever or anything but still I thought he could stand up better than Coulture).
My number one reason for wanting to see Emelianenko come and fight in the UFC is that I cannot wait till UFC fan as well as Dana White and all these other people talking smack get to see the man pound through the weak ass UFC heavy weight division without so much as breaking a sweat. Nobody is invincible but im sorry stating that "anything Fedor can do, Randy can do just a little bit better." Just sounds like the person is confused or forgot what they were talking about. I do think that eventually we will see this fight, and I cant friggin wait.
Look, I love Randy and would love to see him beat Fedor...but short of a miracle, I don't think that would happen.
So let's get to the next big thing that Dana White can "Don King" the hell out of...
...how about Brothers Battling Brothers?
The main event would be, of course, the Emelianenkos...the Shamrocks (even though by adoption) would have to be on there...who else?
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