This news first came down on Aleksander's official M-1 Global website at alex.mixfight.ru. The alleged fight would take place in Chicago at an unnanounced M-1 Global event. MMAJunkie.com has all the details, here is a snippet from their story.
Aleksander Emelianenko (12-3), a highly ranked heavyweight (and the younger brother of famed fighter Fedor Emelianenko), will next fight April 11 for the upstart M-1 Global organization, and the Russian expects his opponent to be Josh Barnett (20-5).
Read All the Juicy Details here.
My Take- This makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever. Why would you bring in one of the most sought after and talented Heavyweight fighters in the world and not have an immediate match with Fedor? I mean a fight with Aleks is intriguing and I will be watching but why the fight that everyone wants to see is not first on the M1 Global agenda is an absolute mystery to me.
Maybe they are protecting Fedor's legacy for a bit longer?
agreed. it's not the best match up to put up right now.
fedor first needs to fight barnett.
then randy right after.
and then tim sylvia after that.
and then maybe, for shits and giggles, brock lesnar.
barnett can fight anyone he wants after he fights fedor, but putting aleks ahead is just mis-prioritizing.
The Barnett fight with Emelianenko promotes the 'Emelianenko' brand without risking Fedor. This builds up Fedor even more for his fight with Randy. Fedor vs Randy is the big payday and there is no way they'll risk that. Even the Fedor vs Choi fight wasn't such a risk cause Choi was too big to make Heavyweight class.
anybody see eastern promises? are those russian mafia tattoos on alek's deltoids?
anyhow, randy couture was interviewed on espn yesterday and stated that his contract is up around july at which point he is going to try and pursue the fedor fight. by the time this fight happens who kows...
With a criminal felony charge, how exactly is Aleks getting to Chicago? Swimming?
Having Aleks fight Barnett builds up hype for a future Barnett/Fedor fight. Having Barnett make a name for himself within M-1 before a fight with Fedor is for draw, if he fought Fedor before he became an M-1 star, and lost, why would he stick around?
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