In an interview on the Scott Ferrell show Wednesday Kurt Angle stated that he would like his first MMA match to be against UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture. Now I've read reports on wrestling sites about this, but no MMA site seems to be reporting that Kurt Angle all but confirmed that the fight was already in the works and it will be in Los Angeles later this year. He wouldn't confirm who was going to promote the fight, but stated that it was neither the UFC nor Mark Cuban. He also stated that it was unlikely that he himself would win the fight. Is this just Kurt Angle blowing smoke up our butt again? I don't know, but if he is Randy Couture can't be happy about it because the way he was talking was as if the fight has already been agreed upon.
C'mon, dude...you know better than to post Kurt Angle news! The man makes up another story about fighting in MMA every months or so, and nothing's come of it yet. Remember back in October when he was working out a deal with the IFL? And now he thinks he's fighting the #2-3 heavyweight in the world in his first MMA fight?
I say let him fight Randy... let him get his ass beat real bad... then maybe these damn pro wrestlers will stop getting big fights with no records. Make the bastards earn it like everyone else.
this is ridiculous. Randy won't even defend the belt against big nog, and people are thinkin he would actually fight Angle....? STUPID
just cus your a pro werstler you cant fight in mma?Why not?Im sure kurt angle was just talkin non sence but all the web fighters that say pro werstlers cant fight are most likely not mma fighters.I am a fighter and have made this invite many times to who ever wants to come by ELITE GYM in Thousand Oaks CA,and try to train one day and see if you can hang.NOT ONE F-IN WEB FIGHTER AS TAKEN ME UP ON MY OFFER.What the f does that say about you clowns that do nothing more then TALK,but for some reson are experts on the sport that i train in ever day.
spirakis27the fight is gonna be in the Pacific Submission league..........so it is not a mma fight it is a submission match
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