This whole list could be Rampage quotes but Im only gonna put 2 of my favorites, so I can let some other people have some quote glory. *Warning* Some explicit language!
10. Mauro Ranallo Talking about Minotauro- "He's takin an unbelievable amount of punishment over the years, but the question is will he pay the price later on in life"- This always gets a laugh out of me because he has said it numorous times and whoever the other announcers are, they become totally silent because its obviously not appropriate to say.
9. Wanderlei Silva- "I want to Fuck Chuck"- Those english classes werent going well apparently, as Wandy was trying to say I want to fight Chuck.
8. Rampage- "Is that Heath's nut hangin out"- Quinton was announcing the second fight between Nogueira and Heath Herring, when he noticed how short Heath's shorts were.
7. Ken Shamrock- "I will beat you into a living death"- Ken's quotes could have their own article too.
6. Forrest Griffin- "He did exactly what I wanted him to do and he knocked me the fuck out"- Forrest after getting KTFO by Keith Jardine.
5. Anything that comes out of Bill Goldberg's Mouth- Funny in a sad way.
4. Bas Rutten- "Maybe he smokes"- Basito responding to Rampage talking about Fujita's yellow teeth after being choked out by Fedor.
3. Tim Sylvia- "Bring on Fedor"- Funny because if that fight were to happen he'd probably be out cold or submitted in the first round.
2. Stephen Quadros- "The touching of gloves may be the only punch Fujita lands"- Before the Fedor/Fujita fight, little did he know what would transpire.
1. Rampage- "You can make a mistake and get caught in a submission, but Chuck made a mistake and he got caught in an ass whoopin'."- Quinton after knocking out Liddell.
Well thats my list, if anyone has some good ones leave a comment. If you are going to print out the list, make sure you have enough epson ink in your printer.
the best quote is by renzo gracie talking before his fight against bj penn. seriously that one beats all of them
One of the funniest quotes has to be during GSP's post fight interview after defeating Sean Sherk. I think it was after being asked if there was a time during the fight where he knew he hurt Sherk, GSP responded in his pepe le pu like accent "I knew he was hurt when I hit him in the nose and he went AHHHHH..." That was absolutely priceless.
Rampage before the Arona fight. Announcer asks him what's his strategy against Arona, Rampage says "there no strategy, I'm just gonna whoop his ass... that's my strategy, the whoop ass strategy"
I always love the one when GSP told Hughes, "I was not impressed with your performance" Which he added some extra syllables in there. haha
my favorite is where Diaz says weed smoking isnt getting in the way of his fight career, but on the contrary his fight career is getting in the way of his weed smoking.
Another laugher from Rampage, on Forrest Griffen ... "He has a glass jaw ... he punches like a crack head"
Rampage talking about Forrest Griffin as a coach in the Ultimate Fighter. "Forrest is the type of guy, when he wipes his butt, he don't get it all."
Mike Goldberg: "You know Joe, When Matt and his brother Mark Hughes were growing up they would pound each other behind the barn!"
"My foot is very special to me." -Giant Silva
"I'm gonna smash your little head" - Ken to Tito.. I think he is the first person to ever refer to Tito's head as being small.
"I came in here as a professional,
that motherfucker didn't" - Ken Shamrock referring to Don Frye
GSP: "Matt Hughes beat me fair and square...I'm sorry, I'm still learning English; 'fairly squarely.'"
Rampage before one of the Pride HW Championship tournament matches, "I hope this match doesn't take long cause I have to take a shit!
I'm curious if quote nr 3 turns out to be true..
maybe it won't be so funny after the summer.
I like when Forrest said after winning one of his fights, "I was a bit worried about my inflamed vagina coming into this fight." Classic.
Joe Rogan talking shit to a heckler in one of his stand ups. "I'll wrap my dick around your neck and start you up like a lawn mower!" I laughed for days when I saw the video on youtube.
No need to thank me.
The best quote ever was when GSP was on sherdog radio trying to clarify his reasoning for writing off matt serra and instead of saying i'm not trying to kiss anyone's ass he said "I'm not trying to lick any butts"
Best quote ever; absolutely had me rolling last saturday. At UFC 86 during the lytle vs. Kos fight. When rogan and goldberg were talking about the cut on lytle's eye. I think rogan said it looked like the Eastman (belfort) cut. Then out of nowhere I think rogan just said "goat vagina" referring to the cut looked. Hmm.. we know what Joe Rogan does on his free time.
I've always loved the exchange:
Joe Rogan: "If you put Phil Baroni's brain in Pedro Rizzo's body, he would not lose."
Mike Goldberg: "and he would speak better english too".
royce gracie in an interview before fighting matt hughes "this is my house, I build it"
ufc 90 after the first round Koschek says to his corner "what he hit me with" he didnt see the left hook that Thiago put on him... Koschek was thinking...hmm brick or baseball no just a fist?
You should of put a Nick Diaz quote. He says some entertaining stuff.
The Shamrock quote never fails to make me laugh "I will beat you into a living death" lol!!
wonder if anyone told him it doesn't work and if he beat them into a living death lol!
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