5. Antonio Minotauro Nogueira- Theres nothing like seeing a fighter who gets hit over and over again and takes every shot as if a 5-year old were hitting him. Big Nog has been in some of the most entertaining fights ive ever seen. If not for his ability to withstand punishment the Fedor fights may have been over very quickly and not nearly as entertaining. When Big Nog fights I will always watch because you know you might see something you've never seen before. Favorite fights- Nog vs Sapp, Nog vs Crocop, Nog vs Herring 1, Nog vs Fedor 1 and 3.
4. Nick Diaz- Diaz is an animal when he steps into a fight, he has what any great fighter needs, relaxation when things aren't going your way. He never panics in a fight and he is always cocky and confident. You can just tell that he loves what he does, and he can also take some serious punishment. He throws so many punches that his opponents just dont have time to take a break and jiu-jitsu is incredible. After taking so much punishment in the Gomi fight he got taken down, but had the wits to slap on the most beautiful gogoplata you'll ever see. Favorite fights- Diaz vs Gomi, Diaz vs Lawler, Diaz vs Jeremy Jackson 2 and 3.
3. Randy Couture- I will never get tired of watching Couture "shock the world" as he has done so many times. Most recently totally dominating the bigger, younger Gabrial Gonzaga eventually stopping him in the third round. He is the ultimate underdog in almost every fight, whether its size or age it just doesn't matter to the natural. He's a "truth machine" and if your not in supreme mental and physical condition he will expose it. Favorite fights- Couture vs Liddell 1, Couture vs Belfort 1, Couture vs Sylvia, Couture vs Rizzo 1, Couture vs Gonzaga.
2. Fedor Emelianenko- What makes Fedor so fun to watch is you know he's the best and any trouble that you think he's in you stand up and watch to see how he's gonna get out of this one. If you love MMA then you just have to watch and appreciate the incredible skill, strength and intelligence that Fedor exhibits in every fight. He is a champion in every sense of the word, he's humble and has total respect for every fighter who steps in the ring. There is nobody else in MMA that makes a ground fight as exciting as Fedor, you will not see anyone else punch that hard on the ground and any other Heavyweight at least display the speed of which he submits people. Favorite Fights- Fedor vs Crocop, Fedor vs Fujita and pretty much all of them.
1. Wanderlei Silva- They call him the "Axe Murderer" for a reason, his intensity and staredowns are legendary. If I was in there nad he was bouncing back and forth staring me down I'd probably bow down, forfiet and kiss his toes. His intensity is only matched by his tremendous fighting talent. When I think of a fighter to show to people who are new to MMA and looking to get into it, the Wanderlei DVDs start popping in and it doesn't stop. Ive had friends who had never seen a MMA match in their life (I know sad, right) and when I show them a Wandy fight they usually say "you got any more of his fights", I say yes and a sleepless night ensues. Even when he loses, the fights are still incredible to watch because you know he's giving it his all in every fight. He also may have the most devastating Muay Thai knees you'll ever see. Favorite fights- Every single one of them.
I gotta say, I respect Nog as a fighter, but I don't find him very entertaining usually. He tends to just take blows to the head all night and sometimes pull a cool move but basically the guy can just take hits like no one else. It's impressive and all but I don't consider it a clear show of athletesism. I would put GSP on there over Nog or Diaz anyday, that guy is amazing to watch.
as much as i love to watch randy and big nog fight they both dont belong on this list .
I totally agree with Diaz being on the list. He's one of the greatest pound for pound fighters I've ever seen. One of the most heinous decisions ever was when they took the Gomi victory away from him.
Genki Sudo anyone?
wheres Karo Parisyan at?
tyson griffin, anyone? Anderson Silva? Chuck Lidell? takanori gomi? JZ Calvancante? These guys should get an honorable mention. Almost all their fights are exciting win or lose.
No CroCop fans out here from the Pride days? Just waiting for the left high kick to come back?
I'm sorry, but how could you possibly leave out Kazushi Sakuraba? That guy is the full package. How many people have the standup, grappling, innovation and charisma that he does? The guy is a legend and in my opinion the most excting fighter ever!
ok then i got to say that is a bad list. BJ Penn,Anderson Silva,GSP,Kenflo,Kazushi Sakuraba they are the most fun to watch
Nah....Cung Li and GSP have to be in that list....both are extremely skilled....hmmm....if they are ever in the same weight class...could be an interesting fight!
totally agree with diaz great fighter incredible to watch, what about anderson silva i get chills everytime he gets in the opctagon and as a mexican i gotta say roger huerta for sure ! he leaves his heart out in the ring every time most entertaining one for sure
Clay Guida anyone?
Clay Guida anyone?
anderson silva
georges st. pierre
bj penn
randy couture
cung lee (anyone?)
It's a decent list, but come on, no Igor vovchanchyn? One of the best and most entertaining fighters to date.
Yeah, the list is a little disappointing to me. When I think of "entertaining" I think funny, unusual, novel - you know, not just soul satisfying beat downs.
Guys who have humorous smack talk, like Rampage, are always a favorite.
On a side note, I think Wanderlei Silva has the facial look of "I may painfully sodomize you at any moment." thing going on. I'm kind of afraid of that.
Bob Sapp anyone??
Wanderlai...GSP...Fedor...Anderson Silva and sakuraba!!
Bruce lee..jackie chan..tank abbott...the rock and butterbean...how on earth are none of them included i will never know!!
and fighters coming out of chute boxe academy
i would like to see Bj Penn and Anderson Silva in that list and Randy and Nog out.
thiago silva?
I'd say...
5. Kenny Florian - He's just a great fighter, and can make a comeback at any moment.
4. Roger Huerta - Absolutely refuses to give up, and always pushes the pace.
3. Clay Guida - He just doesn't know when to stop. He's a great all rounder, able to stand up with you, or take you down and submit you.
2. Crazy Horse - He's just a hilarious guy, always making funny faces, posing, or mocking the ref. And he just thinks up of random things.
1. Genki Sudo - Where to start? He's a total beast first off. His unorthodox fighting style messes with his opponents, and his spinning backfists are lightning quick. He has some of my favorite knockouts ever. I love watching this dude fight.
what about lyoto machida he is a master of karte who studys his opponent from a far and then strikes hard and fast leaving them broken i mean his fights with thiago and rashad those werent mistakes you know i mean hes the champ
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